Friday, July 22, 2005

may this serve as a warning to the inexperienced....

thats wat u get when u engage in certain activities without consulting an expert like me


Tan Sri said...

the things u bother to scan...

amphibian sp. said...

hmm.. like wat? providing videos 4 beginners?
i think 4 d benefit of those interested u might s well outline some basic tips here...

raptor_ravenlord said...

well, its all about PnP...Placing n Pacing
Placing means u hv 2 put it at the right place so as to minimize damage n maximize uh, pleasure
Pacing means u hv 2 do it slowly then build up gradually so ur muscles can adjust to the strain, if not u can get injured


Wei Zhi said...

aaah.. despite ur statements i cant help feeling that the poor fella might get nastier ideas from u :P

Tan Sri said...

TST's comment seems to be contradicting the news article... where the victim's colon was ruptured.... whereas tst talks about pacing, now how the hell would u tell a horse to control its pacing when its erm....... having fun?

raptor_ravenlord said...

thats for me to know n u 2 find out, isnt it? :P

Wei Zhi said...

haha.. btw tst.. u can b an investigator as well... they get to view all those... err... videos =P

Tan Sri said...

hmmmm..... lets juz say he's gonna make a huge mess in the police station :P

Kryptos said...

yer, going from the back is sooooo shitty...

raptor_ravenlord said...

yeah. literally.
i dun relly recommend it myself, but so many of my students r interested :P

queenlyd said...

WEI>... very geli la this discussion...

btw.. how CAN that guy break his colon or watever?.. i tot.. he was doin it wif the horse??... erhh... forget it.. -_-